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Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee consists of six (6) elected members, plus the Immediate Past President as chairperson. Three members are elected on a biennial basis to serve four-year terms and may stand for only one re-election for a second consecutive four-year term. Apart from the Immediate Past President, members may not concurrently hold another elected office in the Society.

The Nomination Committee selects candidates from among regular members who consent to run for election for the positions of Officers, Councilors and Nomination Committee Members. They maintain a representative balance both geographically and scientifically among these candidates and propose at least two candidates for each Office-elect. The committee also recommends nominees to Council to fill elected vacancies.

The Duties of the Nomination Committee are to:

  • Select candidates from among ISSX members who consent to run for election for the positions of Officers, Councilors and Nomination Committee Membership.
  • Ensure that the slate of candidates for elections (Officers, Council and Nomination Committee) is representative of the broader ISSX membership, including but not limited to geographical region and affiliation (academia, industry, regulatory agencies).
  • Recommend nominees for vacancies in elected positions to the President.
  • Develop and maintain a current list of potential candidates for ISSX committees, including members who express an interest in participating in ISSX activities, and advise the incoming president at the start of his/her term regarding suitable candidates for selection as standing committee chairs and members.
  • Maintain contact with the ISSX President and standing committee chairs to determine the level of input of Councilors and committee members.

Term Concludes 
Scott Obach, Chair  North AmericaUnited States ISSX Immediate Past President December 31, 2025
Kim BrouwerNorth AmericaUnited StatesFirst TermDecember 31, 2027
Deepak Dalvie
North America
United States
First TermDecember 31, 2025
John Miners
Asia Pacific Australia First Term December 31, 2027
Elizabeth Gillam
Asia Pacific
First TermDecember 31, 2025
J. Brian Houston
United Kingdom
First Term  December 31, 2027
Amin Rostami-HodjeganEuropeUnited KingdomFirst TermDecember 31, 2025